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P-80® RediLube Temporary Assembly Lubricant

P-80® RediLube Temporary Rubber Lubricant is a biodegradable assembly aid that eases installation of tight-fitting rubber and plastic parts by reducing the force needed for insertion. P-80® RediLube dries quickly and completely.

P-80® RediLube is ideal for use on non-porous and coated rubber parts. Typical applications include installation of seals, o-rings, hoses, bushings, grommets, tires, and grips. Excellent for use on sub-assembled parts.

Typical viscosity of P-80® RediLube: 20 cps at 25° C.

Spray tops available separately to fit 1-Liter, 475 mL and 225 mL bottles.

Available Options:

Part#Size Price
P-0900-100 10 mL tube (case of 100) $252.35
P-0901-12 1 liter container (case of 12) $121.13
P-0920 19.5 kg net wt. container $140.60
P-0990 200 kg net wt. plastic drum $1,112.40
P-0995 1,000 kg net wt. plastic tote $5,201.50

*Prices valid for purchase from the US

For prices in Europe, please see Sales in Europe - About Us

Industries Served

Product Specification Chart

Applications Industrial Lubricants Incidental Food Contact Lubricants
P-80® EmulsionP-80® Emulsion P-80® THIXP-80® THIX P-80® Grip-ItP-80® Grip-It P-80® RediLubeP-80® RediLube P-80® Emulsion (IFC)P-80® Emulsion (IFC) P-80® THIX (IFC)P-80® THIX (IFC)
Viscosity Index, cps @25° C P-80® Emulsion150 P-80® THIX12,000 P-80® Grip-It20 P-80® RediLube20 P-80® Emulsion (IFC)150 P-80® THIX (IFC)Incidental Food Contact Lubricants15,000
Biodegradable P-80® EmulsionYes P-80® THIXYes P-80® Grip-ItNo P-80® RediLubeYes P-80® Emulsion (IFC)Yes P-80® THIX (IFC)Incidental Food Contact LubricantsYes
Reduction of Friction P-80® Emulsion~70% P-80® THIX~70% P-80® Grip-It~40% P-80® RediLube~55% P-80® Emulsion (IFC)~70% P-80® THIX (IFC)Incidental Food Contact Lubricants~70%
Estimated minimum dry time P-80® Emulsion1 Hour P-80® THIX2 Hours P-80® Grip-It20 Minutes P-80® RediLube20 Minutes P-80® Emulsion (IFC)1 Hour P-80® THIX (IFC)Incidental Food Contact Lubricants2 Hours
pH P-80® Emulsion~8.4 P-80® THIX~8.5 P-80® Grip-It~10.8 P-80® RediLube~8.7 P-80® Emulsion (IFC)~8.7 P-80® THIX (IFC)Incidental Food Contact Lubricants~8.5
Appearance P-80® EmulsionMilky white to beige P-80® THIXWhite to beige gel P-80® Grip-ItClear, colorless P-80® RediLubeMilky white to light yellow P-80® Emulsion (IFC)Milky white to beige P-80® THIX (IFC)Incidental Food Contact LubricantsWhite to beige gel

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